Juegos de azar y casinos: la experiencia española y una sugerencia de debate doctrinal para Brasil


  • José Eugenio Soriano García Universidad Complutense de Madrid - UCM
  • Cláudia Ribeiro Pereira Nunes Yale University



Games of chance, Social function, Gambling Regulation, Random risk


The traditional approach to the Spanish gambling regulation has fallen traditionally whitin the scope of the two Codes: the Civil Code, which set up their limits, and the Penal Code, which defines the prohibited practices. But the modern approach to gambling and games of chance regulation is done from the Public Law, and in particular, the Administrative Law on the grounds of the public intervention on recreational practices linked with leisure and tourism. The general objective of this paper, which results from the joint analysis of scholars from Brazil (UVA) and Spain (UCM), is focused in gambling and casinos. Particularly, it analyses in short the Spanish experience, in order to allow a comparative study that can be useful to foster further doctrinal debates.


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Author Biographies

José Eugenio Soriano García, Universidad Complutense de Madrid - UCM

PhD. Catedrático de Derecho Administrativo. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).

Cláudia Ribeiro Pereira Nunes, Yale University

PhD. Professora Colaboradora do Mestrado. Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM). Visiting Fellow at Yale University.



How to Cite

García, J. E. S., & Nunes, C. R. P. (2020). Juegos de azar y casinos: la experiencia española y una sugerencia de debate doctrinal para Brasil. Revista Interdisciplinar Do Direito - Faculdade De Direito De Valença, 18(2), 240–270.


