A formação da categoria “cidadania do consumo” no contexto brasileiro


  • Hector Luiz Martins Figueira Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA




consumption, Marketplace, citizenship, capitalism


This article aims to demonstrate the process of emergence and maturation of a new facet in the understanding of the broad concept of citizenship. A native category of capitalist systems that we will call consumer citizenship. Without much difficulty in identifying it in complex and market societies, we really want to demonstrate this relatively new concept that permeates our lives. We also intend, in this reflection, to unveil the dilemmas inherent to consumer citizenship, as well as exposing its ambiguities when dealt with in the scope of the judiciary. For that, we will have to explore the economic facets of the consumer market and the performance of consumers before the national legislation. Not forgetting the concepts of sociology and anthropology of law, intrinsic to the debate.


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Author Biography

Hector Luiz Martins Figueira, Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA

Doutor em Direito, UVA/RJ; Mestre em Direito. Advogado e professor da UIFAA, FAMESC E EMERJ – RJ. E-mail: hectorlmf@hotmail.com.



How to Cite

Figueira, H. L. M. (2021). A formação da categoria “cidadania do consumo” no contexto brasileiro. Revista Interdisciplinar Do Direito - Faculdade De Direito De Valença, 19(2), 108–121. https://doi.org/10.24859/RID.2021v19n2.1180


