O Ajuste oclusal e terapia conservadora no tratamento de uma Disfunção Temporomandibular Articular: relato de caso com seis meses de acompanhamento


  • Caroline Biagioni de Oliveira Centro Universitário Braz Cubas
  • Isléia Freitas de Moraes Biswas Centro Universitário Braz Cubas
  • Maiara Aparecida Ferreira Centro Universitário Braz Cubas
  • Ronaldo Luís Almeida de Carvalho Centro Universitário Braz Cubas
  • Jean Soares Miranda Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora




Articulação Temporomandibular, Disco Articular Temporomandibular, Síndrome da Articulação Temporomandibular, Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular, Ajuste Oclusal


Aim: To report a clinical case of arthralgia associated with disc displacement with reduced, conducted by students and teachers at the League of Pain and TMD of the Braz Cubas University Center, through non-invasive conservative therapies and an occlusion adjustment. Case report: A 63-year-old female patient came to the clinic complaining of constant pain in both temporomandibular joints, with this symptom being more intense on the right side. She reports having had a closed lockout six months ago. The Diagnostic Criteria for Tempororomabidular Disorders (DC/TMD) was applied and the arthralgia and disc displacement with a reduction in the right TMJ was diagnostic. In the intraoral examination, gyro-version and extrusion of tooth 17 was observed, which, despite being well inserted, made it impossible to include it in the occlusal splint, which was performed in the upper arch and adopted as treatment, together with counseling. As a result, there was a considerable reduction in symptoms, which was only reset after an occlusal adjustment performed under the restoration of amalgam of tooth 17. Conclusion: The therapy performed was able to generate a total remission of symptoms, which implied in better quality of life for this patient.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira, C. B., Biswas, I. F. de M., Ferreira, M. A., de Carvalho, R. L. A., & Miranda, J. S. (2022). O Ajuste oclusal e terapia conservadora no tratamento de uma Disfunção Temporomandibular Articular: relato de caso com seis meses de acompanhamento. Revista Saber Digital, 15(2), e20221512. https://doi.org/10.24859/SaberDigital.2022v15n2.1298


