Tabagismo passivo domiciliar e a saúde neonatal


  • Amanda Gomes Varizi Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA)
  • Rodrigo Lessa de Oliveira Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA)
  • Marcus Vinícius Cabral Freesz Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA)
  • Ana Beatriz Rodrigues Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA)
  • Monique Ferreira Silva Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA)



secondhand smoke, pregnancy, child health, tobacco,


Objective: To estimate the number of prevalent cases of pregnant women who are passive smokers and the number of incident cases of respiratory problems, prematurity and low birth weight, attributable to passive smoking, in pregnant women assisted at the maternity school in the city of Valença-RJ. Materials and methods: Prospective cohort study, with pregnant women and newborns attended at the Maternal School in the city of Valença-RJ, in 2019, for the analysis of the variables exposure to secondhand smoke and Apgar outcomes in the first and fifth minutes, body weight birth, prematurity, length and head circumference. Results and discussion: Most of the sample is secondhand smokers, although most of these women (69%) were not aware of this exposure. Among those exposed, 56% were subjected to this condition in the family environment. There was no statistical correlation between exposure to secondhand smoke and the outcomes birth weight, first and fifth minute Apgar, length, head circumference and prematurity. Conclusion: The study showed that most of the sample is secondhand smokers, who are unconscious. Although no statistical correlation was found between exposure to tobacco and outcomes in the neonate, it is still important to make pregnant women aware of the harmful effects of smoking on pregnancy.


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How to Cite

Gomes Varizi, A., Lessa de Oliveira, R., Cabral Freesz , M. V. ., Rodrigues, A. B. ., & Ferreira Silva , M. (2023). Tabagismo passivo domiciliar e a saúde neonatal. Revista Saber Digital, 16(02), e20231601.


