Reproductive evaluation of buffaloes submitted to fixed-time artificial insemination programs with fresh vs. frozen


  • Fabiana Hernández Costa Universidade Santa Úrsula - USU
  • Lauro Viana Domingos Maranha Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA
  • Jaci de Almeida Universidade de São Paulo - USP



Bubalus bubalis, heat synchronization, pregnancy rate


Introduction - Buffaloes do not express the clinical signs of estrus as clearly as bovine females, although significant signs do occur. In this context, TAI allows the insemination of these females without the need to observe estrus, promoting lower labor costs and avoiding possible errors in observing the signs of estrus. Objective - To compare the pregnancy rate obtained with TAI in Murrah and Mediterranean buffaloes using fresh semen vs. the frozen one of a sire of the Murrah breed. Material and methods - The experiment was carried out between the months of May and July of the year 2022. In all, 138 pluriparous buffaloes were used, with calves. The buffaloes were induced in heat using an intravaginal device with progestogens. Synchronization: In the morning D0, the animals received 2.0 mg i.m of estradiol benzoate (EB, Estrogin®) and intravaginal implant (PRIMER® 0.5 g of P4), on D9 (8:00 am) withdrawal of the implantation and application of 400UI i.m eCG (Novormon® 5000UI) + 0.530 mg of PGF2α Cloprostenol i.m (Estron®). On D11 (16:00h) 25 μg i.m of GnRH (Sincroforte®, Buserelin Acetate) were applied, on D12 morning (8:00h) AI. The results were submitted to the chi-square test. Results - The total pregnancy rates obtained were 55.1a% (38/69) and 46.4b% (32/69) for fresh and frozen semen, respectively. Conclusion - The use of fresh semen in TAI is an alternative to improve pregnancy rates in TAI protocols.


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How to Cite

Hernández Costa, F., Viana Domingos Maranha, L. ., & de Almeida, J. . (2023). Reproductive evaluation of buffaloes submitted to fixed-time artificial insemination programs with fresh vs. frozen. Revista Saber Digital, 16(02), e20231603.



Veterinary Medicine