Linear foreign body associated with intestinal obstruction in a feline: case report


  • Natalia Rita Garcia Salvador Faculdade Quallitas
  • Anna Julia Rodrigues Peixoto Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA
  • Maria Eduarda dos Santos Lopes Fernandes Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA



cat, elastic tape, enterotomy, intestinal viability


Introduction: Linear foreign bodies refer to elongated objects, such as wires, strings, or tapes, which cats can accidentally ingest. These objects pose a serious threat to feline health as they can become lodged in the gastrointestinal tract, causing potentially fatal obstructions and ruptures. Early diagnosis and proper treatment of intestinal obstructions are essential to prevent severe complications in cats that ingest linear foreign bodies. Objective: To report the clinical and surgical aspects of a case of linear foreign body-associated intestinal obstruction in a cat, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and the institution of appropriate clinical and surgical therapy from the anamnesis to quality postoperative care. Case Report: Male, mixed-breed cat, weighing 4.6 kg, 2 years old, presented with a clinical complaint of vomiting and lethargy for the past 24 hours. The patient did not exhibit any noteworthy changes on physical examination; however, specific abdominal evaluation revealed mild abdominal discomfort. Abdominal ultrasound suggested the presence of a foreign body occupying a significant portion of the jejunal lumen and partially or totally obstructing the lumen at this location. Discussion: After rapid and emergent clinical stabilization, the patient underwent enterotomy surgery to remove the foreign body without intraoperative or postoperative complications. The cat showed positive post-surgical progress and did not experience a recurrence of clinical symptoms. Conclusion: Linear foreign bodies are the primary cause of acute abdomen in young cats, with early diagnosis and treatment being crucial for a favorable prognosis, as observed in the reported patient, whose clinical and surgical treatment resulted in an improved quality of life and well-being.


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How to Cite

Rita Garcia Salvador , N., Rodrigues Peixoto, A. J., & dos Santos Lopes Fernandes, M. E. (2023). Linear foreign body associated with intestinal obstruction in a feline: case report. Revista Saber Digital, 16(3), e20231603.



Veterinary Medicine