Adjustments of mathematical equations to estimate growth of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) in progeny performance tests


  • Beatriz de Oliveira Marinette Fundação Instituto de Pesca do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - FIPERJ
  • Matheus Pereira dos Santos Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ
  • Marcelo Maia Pereira Fundação Instituto de Pesca do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - FIPERJ



Models, Precision, System


Introduction - Tilapia is the most farmed fish in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Objective - This research was carried out to adjust mathematical equations to estimate the growth of Nile tilapia in progeny performance tests. Material and Methods - To model growth in body weight (g) as a function of time (days) of tilapia rearing after the sexual reversion phase, 100 animals were evaluated per masonry box with a useful volume of 2.4 m3, being two replications for each reproduction batch, each batch was represented by the collection of larvae. Two collections were carried out and two batches of young forms were formed. The animals were fed four times a day with powdered food containing 55% crude protein. Biometrics of 100% of the animals were performed on average every seven days for live weight (g). The data sets obtained from Nile tilapia fingerling biometrics for live weight (g) in relation to time in days and the specific growth rate data set (%/day) as a function of time in days were subjected to analysis exponential, logarithmic, polynomial and power regression. Results - The fry from the first batch showed second degree polynomial growth curves, however, for the fry from the second batch, the curves were adequate to the potency research. Conclusion - Curves for specific growth rates adapted the second-degree polynomial selection for all batches and their respective replications.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Marinette, B. ., Pereira dos Santos, M. ., & Maia Pereira, M. (2023). Adjustments of mathematical equations to estimate growth of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) in progeny performance tests. Revista Saber Digital, 16(3), e20231609.



Veterinary Medicine