Comparative analysis of peri-implant emergence profiles surface scans, using different scanning posts - Phase I


  • Antônio Sérgio Netto Valladão Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA
  • Ana Luiza Pereira Terra Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA
  • Isadora de Almeida Lozasso Vieira Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA
  • Wallace Conceição Leal Clínica Mega Imagem
  • Monique Ferreira e Silva Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA



CAD-CAM, gingiva, endosseous implants


Objectives: Laboratory analysis of surface scans of peri-implant emergency profiles using different scanning posts.  Materials and Methods: Three MAV models were drilled using surgical guides and analogues of the Unitite Prime (SIN), Helix GM Narrow (Neodent) and TRI Bioneck (Dérig) implants were installed in models M1, M2 and M3 respectively, one analog per model. Each model was scanned with a specific scanning post, resulting in STL files, the images of which were used for visual analysis of the scanned emergence profiles. Results and Discussion: Visual analysis of the images from the STL files showed that the EPS (Emergence Profile Scanbody - Pat. Req. BR1020200019481), the GM Implant Intraoral Scanbody (Neodent, Brazil) and the TRI NP scanning transfer (Dérig, Brazil) enabled the respective emergence profiles to be scanned correctly. Conclusions: The three scanning posts used can achieve good clinical results when it is necessary to transfer the 3D positioning of the endosseous implant associated with copying the peri-implant emergence profile. The geometric analysis to be carried out in phase II of this study will be fundamental in verifying the superiority of one or other scanning post in capturing the peri-implant emergence profile. Further analysis is recommended for the emergence profiles of other dental elements, the use of other scanning posts and the performance of other intraoral scanners.


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How to Cite

Netto Valladão , A. S. ., Pereira Terra, A. L. ., de Almeida Lozasso Vieira, I. ., Conceição Leal, W., & Ferreira e Silva, M. (2024). Comparative analysis of peri-implant emergence profiles surface scans, using different scanning posts - Phase I. Revista Saber Digital, 17(1), e20241703.


