Mixed gastrojejunal bezoar - case report


  • Michele Andreza Fidélis Siqueira Hospital Escola de Valença
  • Ana Flávia Alvarenga Soares Hospital Escola de Valença
  • Vanessa Condori Leandro Hospital Escola de Valença
  • Carlos Augusto Marques Batista Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA
  • Joaquim Ferreira de Paula Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA




Gastrojejunal bezoar, Diagnosis, Treatment, Bezoar


Introduction: Bezoar is an indigestible mass in the gastrointestinal tract, with the presence of different components, normally confined in the stomach. It is commonly associated with anatomophysiological changes in the stomach and psychiatric disorders such as trichotillomania and trichophagia. The upper digestive endoscopy is the most specific test for diagnosis. The treatment is surgical. Case report: A 17-year-old woman presented epigastric pain for approximately 6 months, with progressive worsening, associated with an episode of vomiting and weight loss of 13 kg in 4 months. The diagnosis was presumed by clinical history and abdominal computed tomography and confirmed by surgery. Discussion: Bezoars commonly occur in women and patients under the age of 30 years. The clinical history and physical examination are often nonspecific, it is necessary to use of imaging methods and especially upper digestive endoscopy to elucidate the diagnosis. The treatment can be obtained by dissolution, endoscopic removal, laparoscopy, and preferably laparotomy. In the post-operative, the multidisciplinary monitoring, with family engagement, is essential to prevent recurrence. Conclusion: In the present case, the diagnosis was made based on abdominal computed tomography and confirmed by exploratory laparotomy, which was also the treatment method for removing the bezoar. The post-operative follow-up took place in the General Surgery and Psychiatry outpatient clinics.


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How to Cite

Andreza Fidélis Siqueira, M., Alvarenga Soares, A. F., Condori Leandro, V., Marques Batista, C. A., & Ferreira de Paula, J. (2024). Mixed gastrojejunal bezoar - case report. Revista Saber Digital, 17(1), e20241706. https://doi.org/10.24859/SaberDigital.2024v17n1.1491


