Analysis of the incidence and indications of cesarean sections at the Maternity School of Valença/RJ


  • Bruna Shiguemi Saito Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA)
  • Luciana Amaral Lemos Centro Universitário de Valença (UNIFAA)



Cesarean, Obstetrics, Maternal Health, Neonatal Health


Objective: This study aims to analyze the rates and indications of cesarean deliveries at the Maternidade Escola of Valença/RJ, comparing them with national and international health guidelines to assess adherence and identify areas for improvement in obstetric practices. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective and cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. Conducted from June 2022 to June 2023, it encompassed 909 deliveries. The methodology included a detailed review of hospital records and the categorization of cesarean deliveries according to the Robson Classification, with data tabulated in Microsoft Excel® and subsequent statistical analysis. Results and Discussion: The distribution of deliveries was nearly equal between vaginal (52.58%) and cesarean (47.42%), with significant monthly variation in the choice of method, without a clear trend toward an increase in cesarean or vaginal deliveries. Notably, there was a high incidence of cesarean deliveries among women with a prior history of the procedure (Robson Group 5) and an increase in incidence in older age groups. Conclusion: The study highlights the need for individualized and evidence-based obstetric strategies, with continuous analysis of the Robson Groups to optimize maternal and neonatal outcomes. It emphasizes the importance of aligning local practices with health guidelines, underlining the necessity of high-quality, evidence-based obstetric practices.


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How to Cite

Shiguemi Saito, B., & Amaral Lemos, L. . (2024). Analysis of the incidence and indications of cesarean sections at the Maternity School of Valença/RJ. Revista Saber Digital, 17(1), e20241704.


