The importance of cat-friendly handling in the practice of feline medicine


  • Mariana Rodrigues de Oliveira Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA
  • Letícia Teixeira de Almeida Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA
  • Érico David de Sena Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA
  • Rachel Marques Pinheiro Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA
  • Samir Dias Pereira Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA
  • Anna Julia Rodrigues Peixoto Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA
  • Maria Eduarda dos Santos Lopes Fernandes Centro Universitário de Valença - UNIFAA



animal welfare, cat, stress, veterinary medicine


Introduction: The increase in the number of domestic cats has highlighted the need for specialized care, as these animals are more susceptible to stress. It is essential to understand that cats have different needs from dogs to provide appropriate care. Goal To assess the knowledge and use of Cat Friendly practices among veterinarians and veterinary medicine students in Valença (RJ) and neighboring regions. Methodology: Descriptive and quantitative cross-sectional study with veterinarians and undergraduates from Valença and surrounding areas. An online questionnaire with fifteen objective and open-ended questions was administered through Google Forms and WhatsApp from August 2023 to May 2024. Discussion: The research revealed an increasing female participation in veterinary medicine and showed that many are aware of Cat Friendly handling but not in depth. The lack of knowledge about the Cat Friendly Practice Certification indicates a gap in awareness. Although some professionals use medications and pheromones to reduce feline stress, inadequate physical restraint is still common. There is an awareness of the importance of home handling, but familiarity with the Cat Friendly concept is lacking, indicating the need for more education for both pet owners and professionals. Conclusion: Gaps in knowledge about Cat Friendly practices and certifications were identified, highlighting the need for more education within the veterinary community to ensure feline well-being.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues de Oliveira, M., Teixeira de Almeida, L. ., David de Sena, Érico ., Marques Pinheiro, R., Dias Pereira, S., Rodrigues Peixoto , A. J. ., & dos Santos Lopes Fernandes , M. E. . (2024). The importance of cat-friendly handling in the practice of feline medicine . Revista Saber Digital, 17(3), e20241704.



Veterinary Medicine