Macerated fetus in a Holstein cow: case report


  • Jaci de Almeida Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
  • Osvaldo Almeida Resende Embrapa Agrobiologia



Surgical approach, Retained macerated fetus, Dairy cattle, Management, Reproduction


Introduction: Bovine fetal maceration is one of the causes of pregnancy loss that has the least conclusive diagnosis, mainly because producers and veterinarians do not send material for laboratory diagnosis. Fetal maceration usually occurs during the middle and final third of pregnancy, characterized by the presence of secretion with pus and a fetid odor through the vulva. Case report: Holstein cow, approximately 8 years old, with a gestation of 8 months, with fetal death without progression, which occurred on a property in the municipality of Bara Mansa/RJ. Discussion: The clinical signs presented by the cow, among them the low body condition score, added to the elimination of purulent secretion of brown and fetid color, suggested that it was a fetal maceration. However, even fetal maceration, which can be diagnosed through clinical signs, rectal palpation, ultrasonography and exploratory laparotomy, its causes are not easily detectable. In the present case, the weakened condition of the female, added to the inadequate management and negligence of the owner, were the possible reasons for the occurrence of the pathology. Conclusion: The prolonged permanence of soft tissues and disintegrated bones, when in advanced pregnancy, requires surgical removal, as reported for the present case. Fetal maceration causes economic losses to the owner and the life of the affected cow.


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How to Cite

de Almeida, J., & Almeida Resende, O. (2023). Macerated fetus in a Holstein cow: case report. Revista Saber Digital, 16(1), e20231609.



Veterinary Medicine